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  2. Wei MC, Chuang YC*, Lu HF, Liu HM. Creation of retroperitoneal tunnel in robot assisted laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy. Asian J Surg. 2023;46(2):909.(IF = 2.808; R/C = 88/211)
  3. Lu HF, Chuang YC*, Peng FS, Liu HM, Chen SU. Recurrent intermittent abdominal pain with parasitic myoma torsion. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2022;29(7)814-5. (IF = 4.137; R/C = 14/83)
  4. Liu HM, Lin HH,  Hsiao SM*. Predictors of cure and overactive bladder syndrome after a mid-urethral sling procedure in women with stress urinary incontinence. Maturitas. 2022;156:18-24.  (IF = 4.342; R/C = 12/83)
  5. Liu HM, Lin HH,  Hsiao SM*. Impairment of urethral coitus due to mid-urethral sling in a woman with vaginal agenesis. Int Urogynecol J. 2019;30:1383-5.  (IF = 2.094; R/C = 38/83)